Sport climbing
- Calendar of Events
- Regulation's on climbing
- Rules
- Top Climbing
- Competition's results
- Competition's results archive
- Competition's orders
- Competition's orders archive
Regulation's on climbing
- : Скалолазан. присвоение разрядов, проект-2015.docx [17.29KB]
- : Положение о Комитете по скалолазанию.doc [45.50KB]
- : Окончательный вариант Межд. правил 14 г.docx [421.74KB]
- : ERK 2020 climbing.pdf [461.89KB]
- : ERK_skalolazanie_2022.pdf [11.06MB]
- : Положение по Документообороту.doc [46.00KB]
- : MN.doc [28.00KB]
- Requirements to confer the sport grades in sport climbing (approved in 2008): нормативы 2008.doc [31.00KB]
- : 2014-Ili-Ascending-Regulation.docx [20.20KB]
- : Norn_2013-16.doc [40.50KB]
- : IFSC_Intl_Athlete_Licence_2009.doc [63.00KB]