В данном разделе публикуются фото сессии сделанные как в экспедициях, так и на различных спортивных мероприятиях по альпинизму и скалолазанию.
- Anatoli Boukreev
- Anatoli Nikoliavich Boukreev (1958-1997) was a Russian climber who made seven ascents of 8,000 metre peaks without supplemental oxygen. Boukrev was relatively unknown in the international climbing community until the 1996 spring climbing season on Mount Everest, where eight people died in one of the biggest tragedies in the climbing history of Everest. Boukreev was born on January 16, 1958 in the Urals of Russia. After completing high school...
- Baglan Zhunussov
- Zhunusov Baglan Date of birth: 03.05.1965. President of Mountaineering and climbing federation of Kazakhstan Honored Master of Sports of Kazakhstan The silver prize-winner of the Russian Championship in technical class in 1991. From 1989 till 2003 12 ascents of 5 and 6-th difficulty categories was made. Leader of Kazakhs expeditions: Acancagua 1998, McKinley 2000, Vinson 2001,NP,BP, K2 2003, Khan tengri 2002, K2 2007. The...
- Chumakov Dmitriy V.
- Chumakov Dmitriy V. Date of Birth: 30.07.1978 The candidate to the Master of sports Many time prize-winner and the champion on mountaineering in a high-altitude and technical class Winner in Open CIS Mountaineering Championship in 2001 in technical class From 1990 till 2003 he made more then 20 ascents of 5 and 6 difficulty category (grade) During carrying out the “Snow-leopard» program he made the ascents on 2 of 5...
- Damir Molgachev
- Born:17.01.1975 Master of Sports of Kazakhstan Republic • Many time Winner and many time Prizer in Kazakhstan Mountaineering Championship in high-altitude class • Winner in Open CIS Mountaineering Championship in 2000- 2002 in high-altitude class, in high altitude-technical class – in 2000, in technical class – 2001 • More than 20 ascents 5-6 Russian grade during 1997-2003 Khan Tengri (7010 m) – four times in 1997-...
- Ilyinskiy Ervand
- Ilyinskiy Ervand Date of birth: 1940. Master of Sport of the USSR from 1968. Master of Sports of International Level and Honored Master of Sports of the USSR – from 1982. The main coach of CSCA from 1973. Honored Coach of Kazakhstan 1975 Honored Coach of the USSR – from 1979. Many times Champion of the USSR’s Championships Government award 1. The order «Sign of Honor» – in 1982. 2. The order «Nation...
- Lavrov Sergey V
- Lavrov Sergey V Born: 26.03.1965 Honored Master of Sports – 1997, license N 58 The member of the First Kazakhstan Everest Expedition in 1997 – summited May 20, 1997 Snow Leopard (has completed the program in August 2004) Two time Winner and many time Prizer in Kazakhstan Mountaineering Championship in high-altitude class Winner in Open CIS Mountaineering Championship in 2001 in high-altitude class More than 20 ascents 5-6 Russian...
- Pivtsov Vasiliy T
- Pivtsov Vasiliy T Born:16.08.1975 Master of Sports of International Level M• any time Winner and many time Prizer in Kazakhstan • Mountaineering Championship in high-altitude class Winner in Open CIS Mountaineering Championship in 2000- 2002 in high-altitude class, in high altitude-technical class – in 2000, in technical class – 2001 • More than 30 ascents 5-6 Russian grade during 1996-2008 • During carrying out the...
- Raspopov Alexey V
- Born:02.06.1970 Candidate to the Master of Sports • Many time Winner and many time Prizer in Kazakhstan • Mountaineering Championship in high-altitude class • Winner in Open CIS Mountaineering Championship in 1990- 2003 in high-altitude class, in high altitude-technical class – in 2000, in technical class – 2001 • More than 20 ascents 5-6 Russian grade during 1996-2003 • During carrying out the “Snow-leopard»...
- Serguey Brodsky
- Born:10.09.1977 Candidate to the Master of Sports • Many time Winner and many time Prizer in Kazakhstan Mountaineering Championship in high-altitude class • Winner in Open CIS Mountaineering Championship in 2002 in high-altitude class, in Open Kyrgyzstan Mountaineering Championship in 2001. • Winner in speed ascent of Belukha in 2002 (6h 06 min) – BC- top-BC 6 ascents 5-6 Russian grade during 2001-2003 The main...
- Urubko Denis V
- Born:29.07.1973 Master of Sports of International Level • “Snow Leopard” – have climbed all 5 “seventhousand” peaks of CIS, – in 42 days. • The top of the World – Everest without oxygen. Champion of Kazakhstan alpinism 4 times. • Best climber of Kazakhstan in 1998 and 2007. • Champion of Kazakhstan-97,98,99,02,03,04,05,07 in speed ascent to the Amangeldy peak (3999). • 34 climbs SOLO. The best climbs ...
- Valiyev Kazbek Shakimovich
- Date of Birth – 05/07/1952 • Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, • Master of Sports of the USSR of international class, • Merited Coach of RK in mountaineering. Started climbing from October 1969 at the sports club of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute as a student of the 1st course of the geophysical faculty. A 1974 graduate of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Department of Geophysics, where he worked until 1978 as a research...
- Zhumayev Maxut S
- Born: 01.01.77 Master of Sports of International Level • Many time Champion and the Prize Winner of Kazakhstan Mountaineering Championship in High-altitude class. • Winner in Open CIS Mountaineering Championship in 2001-2002 in high-altitude class • Winner in Open Kyrgyzstan Mountaineering Championship in 2001 • Winner in speed ascent to Peak Amangeldy (3999 m ) – altitude difference 2400-3970 – in 2000-2001 • Winner...
- Абакумов Юрий Александрович
- Дата рождения: 04.05.1976 г. I – спортивный разряд по альпинизму За период с 2001 г. по 2003 г. совершил 5 восхождений 5-ой категории трудности. В ходе выполнения программы «Снежный барс» совершены восхождения на одну из пяти высочайших вершин на...